The New Patriotic Party (NPP) of the Eastern Region has accused NDC MP Hon. Ampem Nyarko of Asuogyaman Constituency of orchestrating an illegal voter transfer scheme. According to the NPP, Nyarko has been busing individuals from North Tongu and other areas to register in Asuogyaman to secure votes for the upcoming 2024 parliamentary elections. Evidence includes a recording where Nyarko allegedly offers monetary incentives for vote transfers. The NPP condemns these actions and vows to challenge any illegal voter registrations.

This was contained in a press release dated 4th June, 2024 signed by Evans Osei Yeboah popularly called TSOOBOI.

Read Full Statement Below.

6th June 2024.


For Immediate Release

Exposed: NDC MP for Asuogyaman, Hon. Ampem Nyarko, in Illegal Voter Transfer Scheme

We have hardcore and irrefutable evidence that shows the NDC MP for Asuogyaman Constituency, Hon. Ampem Nyarko, has been illegally busing people from North Tongu and other constituencies to undertake vote transfers in the Asuogyaman Constituency, with the sole motive of voting for him to win the imminent 2024 parliamentary elections.

It is imperative to expose, beforehand, the criminal and pretentious demeanor of Hon. Ampem Nyarko and the NDC during the voter registration and vote transfer exercises. It would be recalled that during the voter registration exercise, Hon. Ampem Nyarko irresponsibly confronted a number of agents whom Hon. Pius Enam Hadzede had assembled to perform agent duties on his behalf, labeling them as intruders. We heard him shouting over the roof, falsely accusing the NPP of busing people from outside Asuogyaman to register in the constituency. Amidst the noise and ‘thuggish’ behavior of Hon. Ampem Nyarko, the NPP had been aware of his illegal activities and had set in motion intelligence operations to expose him.

In a tape recording in our possession, the NDC MP is heard addressing people he bused from North Tongu and other constituencies to transfer their votes to Asuogyaman. In the words of Hon. Ampem Nyarko, the margin with which he won the 2020 parliamentary elections is very slim and that if he doesn’t bus people from the Volta region to register in and transfer their votes to the Asuogyaman constituency, he will lose the seat to Hon. Pius Enam Hadzede.

“In 2020, I beat Paul Ansah with a margin of 1,200 out of 24,000… so this is not a place to joke. If you joke a little, it can slip,” Hon. Ampem Nyarko has said on the tape.

It is instructive to note that Hon. Ampem Nyarko lured these unsuspecting young people with money to transfer their votes to Asuogyaman. On the tape, he is heard clearly saying, “As a token of appreciation, we agreed that anyone who transfers their vote will be given GHC100. So for those who have been able to do the transfer, I will give you GHC100. And those who were not able to transfer their votes, I will give you GHC20 each as transport money. But make sure you come early tomorrow because you already have numbers and you will be attended to first to transfer your votes. When you are done with the transfer, I will give you the GHC100.”

The NPP condemns this illegal conduct by the NDC in the Asuogyaman constituency and wishes to state that persons who are not residents of Asuogyaman but clandestinely brought in by the NDC for the purposes of vote transfer shall be prevented by any means from illegally transferring their votes to the constituency.

What is revealing in all this is the obvious failure and incompetence of Hon. Ampem Nyarko as MP for Asuogyaman, for which the constituents have vowed to vote against him in 2024. In the 8 years of his MPship, Hon. Ampem Nyarko has been a disaster and can’t pinpoint anything that he has done to positively impact the lives and livelihoods of the good people of Asuogyaman. His unpopularity in the constituency has risen to a fearsome crescendo, and he surmises that busing people from the Volta region can save him.

In a related development, our intelligence team also picked that he has entered Kpong community in the Lower Manya Krobo constituency, giving people GHS 200 to transfer their votes. He paid a visit to some security personnel with the intention of luring them to transfer their votes to his constituency.

We would like to assure him that the NPP will challenge every single person he and/or his assigns illegally facilitated to register or transfer their votes to Asuogyaman and get their names expunged from the final register.

Hon. Pius Enam Hadzede, the parliamentary candidate of the NPP, obviously remains the solid choice of the people of Asuogyaman and come what may, he shall emerge as the Member of Parliament for Asuogyaman on December 7, 2024.

Thank you.

Evans Osei Yeboah TSOOBOI
(ER Communications Officer, NPP)