Dr. Robert Kwasi Asare, a renowned medical Doctor from the VAM Cocoa Clinic Akyem Tafo, recently addressed students at the University of Media Arts and Communication – Institute of Journalism, shedding light on the harmful effects of skin toning in Africa. As part of the lecture series on Africanism, Dr. Asare’s presentation exposed the alarming health consequences of skin toning, a practice that has become increasingly prevalent on the continent.

Skin toning, also known as skin bleaching, involves the use of chemicals to lighten one’s skin tone, often driven by societal beauty standards that equate lighter skin with beauty and status. However, Dr. Asare emphasized that this practice poses significant health risks, including:

  • Skin cancer
  • Mercury poisoning
  • Kidney damage
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Scarring and skin discoloration

Dr. Asare highlighted the alarming statistics, noting that up to 70% of African women use skin toning products . He stressed that the widespread adoption of skin toning is not only a health crisis but also a cultural and societal issue, perpetuating harmful beauty standards and self-esteem issues.

The lecture emphasized the need for education, awareness, and policy changes to address the root causes of skin toning. Dr. Asare called for a shift in cultural narratives, promoting African beauty and self-acceptance, and encouraging individuals to embrace their natural skin tones.

The event sparked a thought-provoking discussion, with students engaging with Dr. Asare on the complex issues surrounding skin toning. His presentation served as a wake-up call, urging the audience to prioritize health and well-being over harmful beauty standards.

By sharing his expertise, Dr. Asare hopes to inspire a movement that values African beauty and promotes a culture of self-love and acceptance. As he emphasized, “Our natural beauty is our greatest asset; let us celebrate and preserve it for Black is beautiful”.
In attendance were members of faculty.