Dr. Rosemary Obeng, a renowned sociologist and lecturer at the University of Media Arts and Communication, delivered a thought-provoking lecture at the Institute of Journalism. The lecture explored the sociological implications of skin toning in Africa as part of the lecture series on Africanism.

Dr. Obeng’s presentation delved into the complex social dynamics driving the practice of skin toning, its consequences on individuals and society, and the need for a nuanced understanding of this phenomenon. She argued that skin toning is not just a personal choice but a reflection of deeper societal issues, including:

  • Internalized colonialism and Eurocentric beauty standards
  • Social stratification and class status
  • Gender and power dynamics
  • Cultural identity and self-esteem

Dr. Obeng emphasized that skin toning perpetuates harmful social norms, reinforcing damaging beliefs about beauty. The lecture sparked a lively discussion, with students engaging with Dr. Obeng on the intricate social factors surrounding skin toning.

Her presentation highlighted the need for a comprehensive understanding of the issue, considering the interplay between individual agency, cultural norms, and structural forces. By examining skin toning through a sociological lens, Dr. Obeng’s lecture encouraged the audience to think critically about the social forces shaping our perceptions of beauty and identity.

Her presentation emphasized the importance of promoting inclusive beauty standards, challenging harmful social norms, and fostering a culture of self-acceptance and self-love. Dr. Obeng’s message resonated with the students, inspiring a sense of pride and self-worth. As she emphasized, “Be You, Stay You, and Live You.”